.NET MAUI and XAML templates to improve apps UI

Grial Key Features.

More than 300 beautiful templates

Over 100 customizable UI controls

Built-in support for icons and fonts

Seamless integration with .NET MAUI

Extensive documentation and support

Regular updates and new features
Speed up your app development

Search Templates

Customize Design

Integrate Logic
Top .NET MAUI templates
Login and Sign-Up Forms

Chat and Messaging Layouts
Product Showcase

Task Completion Visualization
Team Member Details

What people say
Built with Grial UI Kit

Live Sales just got better

The OPUM Difference

Grial UI Kit complete templates.
Data Visualization
Movies Flow
Ecommerce Flow
Food Places Flow
Tasks Flow
Data Visualization
Movies Flow
Ecommerce Flow
Food Places Flow
Tasks Flow
Demo app available
on the stores
Discover a universe of possibilities.

Frequently asked questions
Is there a Grial UI Kit free trial?
To access the free content, it is currently available through our Visual Studio add-in: Grial Studio. Here's a blog where we explain how to do it.
Do I get the screens’ XAML source code?
Yes! You get the XAML code for all the screens and templates included on your Grial UI Kit licensing plan.
Is the license verification offline?
While the solution is in Developer mode, the 'GrialLicense' file must be updated every 30 days. The verification process is done OFFLINE using this file. Once the solution is switched to Production mode, you need to add a final version of the license file and no more updates will be required.
Is Grial Licensing Model perpetual?
Yes, license is perpetual. Renewals are for bug fixing, support and content updates.
Do I need to pay a new license per target platform?
No, Grial license is app-based. It doesn’t matter whether your app targets Android, iOS or both, you won’t need to pay a single license per app.