MS Build Special Grial UI Kit 4 Release: with .NET MAUI support!

Grial UI Kit 4 Special Release
The latest version of Grial UI Kit is now available!
Grial UI Kit 4 has everything you loved in previous editions, plus a ton of new content, and .NET MAUI support!
The latest website with all documentation is coming soon ;)
Why Special?
For two reasons: First, we wanted to celebrate the official release of .NET MAUI with a version of our best-in-class, fully customizable kit of templates, UI screens and resources built to support both Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI. And second, because we’re offering it at a special discount price for a limited time only.
Check out the Demo App (iOS or Android) and explore real life examples to spark your inspiration.

Some highlights:
- Available for Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI Preview
- Easy-to-use Grial UI Kit Web Admin: choose pages, styles, base theme, app icon, download the project and get an app running in minutes.
- All pages and samples are fully customizable.
- All content snaps together from pre-designed XAML blocks.
- 12 amazing themes to pick from.
- App-based license (you pay per project not per team member).
About Grial 4 for .NET MAUI Preview
We were all eagerly awaiting the official release of .NET MAUI for the 2022 MS Build. We know the Team at Microsoft has been working hard fixing bugs and stabilizing the platform, and we at UXDivers have been closely following all previews and RC versions, crafting our .NET MAUI version of Grial UI Kit almost in real time. As with any new technology, it might be a bit rough around the edges and that's why we are labeling this as a Preview, for now.
To see what the final .NET MAUI version be like, try Grial 4 for Xamarin Forms.
Grial UI Kit 4 for .NET MAUI Preview includes:
- 40 screens
- 6 themes
- Grial UI Kit Web Admin integration, which means you can customize the app name, namespace, app icon, theme, etc; and download a tailored version of the VS solution to kick off your project in minutes
- 20+ UI Controls (GridView, WrapPanel, TabControl, Rating, CardView, Emojis, and more)
- Android/iOS phone and tablet support
developers community.