Uno Platform
Grial KIT

Grial UI Kit 4 For .NET MAUI - November Update

Check out Grial UI Kit 4 for .NET MAUI November updates!

Grial UI Kit 4 For .NET MAUI - November Update

Post by Flowbase
January 28, 2021
Post by
Nov 30, 2022
Grial UI Kit 4 For .NET MAUI - November Update

Hi folks! November is over and we have a new update of Grial for .NET MAUI. We are excited to announce that starting with version 4.0.72, Grial added out-of-the-box support for the recently released .NET 7. This brings many advantages, the most relevant being performance-related as you can read here.

We also included new content, as usual 😊 This time, we shipped the Grial’s Video Player ported to .NET MAUI, with improvements when displaying youtube videos. Along with the player, we ported the most beautiful Onboarding page from Grial’s Xamarin.Forms catalog: the Video Carousel Highlights page. It uses a looped background video behind the onboarding content to guide users.

We also built on last month’s Charts release and included 4 new pages showcasing the capabilities of Grial Charts. This includes Bar, Line and Area Chart multi-series and Pie Chart samples in the context of Traffic Analytics and Wallet Expenses.

Grial UI Kit Charts

We hope these goodies help you build better apps! 

Let us know if you have any feedback, and follow us here. See you next month with a new update!

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