Grial UI Kit 4 For .NET MAUI - January Update

Hi folks! Last month we released GrialMap and Drawer controls for .NET MAUI, and we promised that January would bring pages showcasing those controls, so here we are 🙂
This month we are introducing the Food Places Flow to Grial for .NET MAUI. Grial Flows are a set of screens that work as a mini-app, you can read more here. This flow displays a set of places geo-localized in a map (in this case restaurants, but that’s up to the data fed to it). A drawer control is used to display details on them when tapping the pins on the map (custom pins are supported! 🙌). There’s also a final page that lets people leave their impressions on the place using custom controls like Rating. This last page is beautifully animated through our ParallaxView.

Additionally, you can now place the icon of the IconButton to the left of the text, plus a few other fixes.
Next month we’ll publish the Movies Flow. Stay tuned!
Let us know if you have any feedback, and follow us here. See you next month with a new update!
developers community.